
Funding for Nhill Lutheran School is derived from three main sources: Commonwealth Government, State Government and Tuition Fees. The portion of costs not covered by the Government Grants is principally met by the charging of school fees.

School Fees for each year are determined by School Council and are outlined prior to the end of the previous year. This School Council provides the basis for the implementation of school fee charging, sibling discounts, hardship concessions and early payment discounts. School Council aims to keep Tuition Fees to a minimum without sacrificing quality and to make education at our School accessible to anyone who desires it.

At Nhill Lutheran School we understand that difficult circumstances can arise and we approach these matters with Christian love and understanding. Alternative arrangements for payment can be considered, and further discussed with the School Principal. Nhill Lutheran School will not turn away a student purely for financial reasons. The Principal or Business Manager may initiate offers of remission to families where known financial hardships exist. The school will offer remissions at various deduction rates to account for different financial positions of parents.

A building fund contribution of $100 is fully tax-deductible. A library fund contribution of $50 is also fully tax-deductible. Once again, sibling discounts do apply. 

Global Fee incorporates:

  • Tuition, Textbooks and Workbooks
  • Student Diary
  • School Magazine (1 per family)
  • Annual Internet usage
  • Annual Printing usage
  • Stationery
  • Term 1 Swimming Program
  • Excursions
  • Language Programs
  • Visiting Arts Performances
  • Annual Composite Fee

The following items are not covered by the Tuition Fee:

  • Camps
  • Money for fundraising events
  • Parent cleaning costs

Accounts and Statements

Fees are billed on a school term basis.

Please note; if payment of full year’s fees is made on or before the first instalment, you will be entitled to an ‘Early Payment Discount’ on Tuition Fees. Please contact the school office for confirmation of amount required.

Transaction statements are to be forwarded to each family on a monthly basis. It is the obligation and responsibility of the parents to contact the School if payments cannot be made by the due date. 
