Pre-Prep Program
Get ‘em Going Playgroup is offered weekly during school term time, and is available to all pre-schoolers. The program is available to all families in the community and assists with the development of each individual child’s mental, emotional, social, and fine and gross motor skills. With the Nhill community being diverse, Get ‘em Going incorporates Karen families, children with special needs and isolated families. The program offers the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) and children also get to explore the library, the Science Room, and the outdoor learning spaces.
Get ‘em Going is a unique program that allows parents to understand how certain activities stimulate development and growth in their child. When participating in activities at Get ‘em Going children are asked to do activities with different hands/feet, different patterns or ways which assists children to make a connection with both sides of the brain. Parents can then use these tools and incorporate it in every day play at home. The PMP program is therefore not only a learning program for the children, but also gives parents the opportunity to utilise different resources and recognise how their child learns. Parents also become more engaged in their child’s learning and notice changes on a weekly/daily basis.
Get ‘Em Going also provides a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet and connect with other parents.
The cost of the playgroup is a gold coin donation. Proceeds contribute to the provision of resources for the running of the playgroup.